Hiking, walking in nature as a recreational activity. Especially among those with sedentary occupations, hiking is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness, is economical and convenient, and requires no special equipment. Because hikers can walk as far as they want, there is no physical strain unless they walk among hills or mountains.
Seine nets encircle and herd fish with a long wall of netting. Long wings and ropes are used to operate the gear, and the net may have a smaller mesh bag called a codend, which retains the catch. When in use, beach seines are hauled to shore by hand or other machinery, and boat seines are towed by one or two vessels. The catch of unwanted species can be a conservation concern in these fisheries. Seine nets are used to catch cod, haddock, hake, pollock, salmon, snapper, and many other species.
Paragliding is the recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness or lies supine in a cocoon-like 'pod' suspended below a fabric wing. However, average starting prices of paragliding experience near New Delhi start from as low as INR 1800/person and can go up to INR 7400/person.
Cycling as a sport officially began on May 31, 1868, with a 1,200-metre (1,312-yard) race between the fountains and the entrance of Saint-Cloud Park (near Paris). The winner was James Moore, an 18-year-old expatriate Englishman from Paris. On November 7, 1869, the first city-to-city race was held between Paris and Rouen; again Moore was the winner, having covered the 135 km (84 miles) in 10 hours 25 minutes, including time spent walking his bicycle up the steeper hills.